Satisfaction Guarantee

Our Promise

If you're not totally satisfied with any service performed and paid for, just let us know. We wont quit until it's right.



Updated: Nov 1, 2023

How it Works*

When you place an online request with HandyBuddy, we collect your preferred payment method from you; you do not need to pay the provider or installer yourself. We will escrow your payment upon service completion and the provider only gets paid once we have confirmed that you are 100% satisfied with the service provided. This is automatically included as part of the overall HandyBuddy request fulfillment process. This helps guarantee that the job will always be done to your satisfaction and that you don't have to chase a provider down if they have left the job site and you find an issue right after they have left.

When the provider initially completes your service request and marks it as complete in our system, payment is due and you will be given the opportunity to rate your expert (and crew) on a scale of 1-5, 5 being best. If after payment has been captured you feel that they haven't provided you with 5-star service let us know. We'll make it right at no extra charge.   Your total happiness is our goal. Please be prepared to either share pictures of the completed service with any deficits visible and/or allow a field supervisor to make a house visit to inspect the recently completed work. If need be, someone will return to your location for any follow-on work until you are completely satisfied.  

If for any reason, if after repeated attempts the provider is still unable to solve the issue(s) to your satisfaction, we'll be glad to issue you a refund (up to the full amount of the service), depending upon the severity of the issue.

*The HandyBuddy 100% Satisfaction Guarantee is not a promise to credit money back to the customer if they are unable or unwilling to provide their installer (and crew) with a 5-star rating.  Any refund offered will be at the sole discretion of HandyBuddy and is not a condition of our Terms of Service.